Based in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the South Bronx since 2016, ID Studio is committed to creating projects and opportunities that benefit our diverse community. We welcome all from the Bronx community and beyond to our events and projects. 

In addition to free plays and productions, we offer bilingual community workshops for children and adults, including our Community Building Theater Workshops and our summer project Fábrica de Sueños. We also organize panel talks with artistic/community leaders to accompany our plays, designed to create dialogue around the issues effecting the neighborhood.

ID Studio offers our space at a nominal fee as an incubator space for mission-aligned community groups. 

Community partners include:

ProjectX: Latinx slam poetry team organizing slams, workshops, and special events

Live Big Girls: A body pride collective offering workshops at ID Studio Theater

BronxArtSpace: Our next-door neighbor, a contemporary art gallery showcasing the work of artists from the Bronx and beyond. BronxArtSpace and ID Studio have collaborated on an ongoing basis on projects including the video workshop project Mott Haven Home Movies: South Bronx Cribs and State Property, their fall 2017 exhibition about the intersection of consumer culture / incarceration, and our play Maximum Security, presented contemporaneously. 

Brook Park: A community garden which hosted the creation of the three sculptures for "Fábrica de Sueños." 

Green / Arts Live NYC: City Parks Foundation and the Culture in Parks and Plazas Coalition launched Green / Arts Live NYC to bring free performing arts, workshops, and cultural programs outdoors, in local parks, plazas, and community gardens. Green / Arts Live NYC supported ID Studio in bringing Bronxway: ¡A Bailar! to Roberto Clemente Plaza in the South Bronx.